Growing your business will never be convenient
I want you to read that sentence again……and let it sink in. We think we’re doing everything to grow your brand but what does ‘everything’ really look like?
If it looks like
- Posting on social media a thousand times a day
- Creating ANOTHER masterclass, workshop or webinar
- Producing ANOTHER freebie or opt-in
- Forcing yourself to do a video or livestream
- Coming up with ANOTHER ‘fantastic’ idea for a program or offering
- Having some sort of sale —– Black Friday, Christmas, etc
Then honey, that’s not everything……….what that is, is busy-work’ if you don’t have a proper plan in place.
This is where strategy comes into play. Sadly this is the one major ingredient many entrepreneurs lack because we get so caught up being ‘busy’. You see hustle, although an incredibly important trait to possess, can blind you. You’re so focused on the next thing when you haven’t figured out how to make this thing work.
Like it or not sometimes you have to STOP, take a gigantic step back and really look at what you’re doing. What do you want the outcome to be? When is the best time to connect with your audience? Where are they? Where do you need to be so they can see you, hear you and buy from you?
Here’s a simple way to strategize and plan your launches
Write (or type) out everything as it relates to your campaign to make sure all your bases are covered. (I’m a pen & paper kinda girl but do what feels best for you.) So get a calendar and write out:
– The date you’d like to launch (and start to work backwards from there to determine your date to start promoting);
– The date you’d need to have all your artwork, videos, etc done;
– The date you’d need your email sequences done;
– The date you’re opening your cart for sales (and closing dates);
– The things you may need (ways to collect payment, etc);
– How you are promoting your offer (social media content, paid ads, publicity, direct marketing, etc).
I also include who I’m targeting, how many units I’d like to sell, how much I’d like to make, what I’m prepared to do myself and who’d I need to help me along the way.
You see, there’s a lot of planning that goes on before you even post that first image in social media so be sure to map it all out so you’ll know WHAT you need, WHO you need and increase your chances for success.
Because, here’s the truth
If you’re not clear, your marketing message won’t be either;
If you’re confused, your marketing will confuse others;
If you’re upset, or tired, or frustrated….it will show up in your marketing (or lack thereof).
The way you market your business, depends on you;
How clear and focused YOU ARE on your specific next steps….because trust and believe if you’re all over the place, your marketing will follow suit.
So to help you get a bit more focused with your marketing, I’ve included this handy guide to get you going. Yours free… opt-ins or sign ups required. The questions are designed to help you really think through your process to be sure you’re marketing yourself the right way. Get it here
For even more help, be sure to join us for the Strategic Power Planning Party. In three days you’ll have ALL OF 2023 mapped out…..launches, dates, ideas and everything you need to make the new year as profitable (and as easy)as possible. Every attendee will receive a copy of my 2023 Publicity Calendar filled with dates and special occasions so you can know instantly when is the best time to show up to your audience and on Day 3 you’ll have a chance to network with some of my closest colleagues and get tips to help you manage your time, money and more.
Ready to skyrocket to success? Then grab your seat today