So here it is, my first official blog.
Kind of excited I must say. So many have asked, and you know me, always eager to please so to all my fans I say “hello” and “welcome”. I think it’s only fitting that I dedicate this first one to my friend who was really the one who encouraged me to start the business in the first place….lets call him Mark (hence the make your mark in the title).
Yes the Big MB is what I affectionately call him is the one who said “Carla I don’t what you waiting on, when you talking to me I am like a sponge”. My best friend called him the ‘love of my life’ once, I won’t go that far but he is truly the one who really pushed me. Many times I would go into long rants about media and advertising claiming how fantastically fabulous I was and he would look at me with what can only be described as ‘wide eyed innocence’. One of the earliest conversations I remember we were at Ruby Tuesdays and I was explaining to him how I would go about advertising the bottle of ketchup on the table between us. He would constantly call or message me at all times of the day asking me for stories and for my opinion on campaigns in the media, he totally enjoyed it. Like a wonderfully handsome and equally miserable sponge he would soak up everything and tell me how knowledgeable I was and how I was wasting my time and my talent……”You need to open your own business” he said.
I think my stories helped with his business as well. All of a sudden he was speaking more professionally, approaching clients and using correct jargon. My little Mark was growing in front of my eyes. He would later come to refer to himself as the “CWJ Experiment that went right’. He used me well I must admit looking back. I didn’t mind, he was moving forward and with every step he took he pulled onto the imaginary rope he tied around my waist to make sure I was right there next to him. I would always envision us as partners; he drove the car, but I gave the directions from the passenger seat. Just recently he called me to talk to me about work (I think he was just missing me, but who am I to deny someone the pleasure of my company). Anyyywhhooo… we talked and I just happened to mention that basically marketing is the idea, advertising was how to execute the idea. There was a pause, he was in shock, he said he always wanted to know the difference for so long and here, at 10pm on a Friday night, it was made so clear to him….by me…..the media b*tch (that’s what he called me).
The sponge was right, I needed to make my mark and move forward with my business venture. I needed to grab hold of the steering wheel. I’m intelligent, hard working and quite good looking. I am indeed a force to be reckoned with. I was fearful but focused. Mark was right there urging me on, making sure I stayed right on track. I’m sure there were times he wanted to give up, but he choose not to. He couldn’t. He believed in me as much as I believed in him and he was determined to not to let me fail.
So here I am today, trying my best, still holding onto that imaginary rope. So thank you MB, I truly don’t know where I would be without you,