Ahhh yes!! Brand New Year!!

Everyone’s journey is different, but what I do know is that every single one of you wants this year to be bigger, brighter and better than the last.

And rightly so…….we want to see progress and feel as if we are moving forward instead of standing still.

That’s why my theme for this year is: Living the Dream in 2018

Because I know that we all want to live the life we’re dreaming of……..and that means getting rid of some old habits and making the necessary changes.

Yes I know change can be difficult but in the long run, do you want to be still stuck in the same place 12 months from now??? I think not!!

So let’s get started on some of the small but significant changes you can start making right now in your business to start living your dream in 2018


SMALL CHANGE #1:  Stop focusing on the number of likes & comments on Social Media

First things first, some people’s utter dependency on social media is alarming, especially if it’s not bringing in the returns, but what really gets me is when I hear people going on and on about how many likes and followers they have on their page, because it absolutely means nothing if you do not know what to do with it.


Many entrepreneurs tend to tie their self worth and who they are as business owners to the number of likes they have on their business page, often comparing themselves to others, but I am here to say it’s not the quantity that matters it’s what you do with it.

What are you offering persons?

How are you translating these followers into buyers?

Increasing your visibility is always a good idea and social media is a great way to interact with potential customers and form relationships. So are you focusing on nurturing the followers you already have and turning them into viable leads? Quality over quantity every single time.


SMALL CHANGE #2:  Stop waiting too long to make your move

This is usually because of two reasons, either you’re ‘stuck in strategy’ where you’re trying to get everything to be perfect or you’re afraid, so you delay as much as you can. Both will get you nowhere!! The thing is there are people who are looking for exactly what you need and the only way to meet them is to put yourself out there. Too many of you get so caught up in the details and the planning and learning that you fail to get into action and miss your sale. I understand that there is a need for research to be conducted and to get things in place, but don’t wait too long and miss golden opportunities.

Knowing what to do will not make you richer, putting what you know into action will. You need to know what works and what doesn’t and, as my mentor says: action is the shortest distance to from where you are now to where you want to be so get to it!!


SMALL CHANGE #3:  Stop thinking that what you have is just the best thing ever

This is a tough one for entrepreneurs because their business is their baby, but any good parent knows that in order to for your baby to grow you have let it go. In business that translates to marketing your business outside yourself. You might think you have the best product or service in the world but if it isn’t marketable then no one will ever know about it. Find out if there is a need or a want for what you have and by whom.

It takes a combination of many different things to create the results you want.

  • Testing to see what works (and does not work) for your business. Honestly speaking, you will find out what will not work before you find out what does. Do not let it deter you, it’s all a part of the process
  • Figuring out what resonates with your target audience. Knowing what they are interested in and how you can be their one and only solution
  • Researching your competitors and the market to see what works and modifying to suit your needs

It’s not enough for you to have an idea; you need to know if it can translate into sales.


SMALL CHANGE #4:  Stop the belief that free is the place to be

There are some excellent online resources and awesome no cost systems you can implement for your business, but bear in mind free will only get you so far. Invest in yourself and your business and enjoy the returns. This can be bit difficult for start ups and entrepreneurs in early stages, but there is no need to do everything at once, invest a little at a time and watch your business soar. Don’t get stuck on one level, remember: it takes money to make money


SMALL CHANGE #5:  Stop thinking you have to do it all yourself

I understand that when you’re running a business, finances can make it difficult to outsource what you need but instead of trying to do everything, consider collaborating or bartering of services. Make sure it’s mutually beneficial to both parties and what you offer in return can truly help them and vice versa. I’ve seen too many persons abuse the word ‘collaborate’ where business owners trying to get free expert advice under the guise of collaborating. It is a sleazy and unethical practice
and can do irreparable damage one’s reputation and ultimately their business. My suggestion is to determine what you need and see what you can offer that will truly beneficial to the other parties involved. Once confirmed, draft an official contract so that everyone is clear.


SMALL CHANGE #6:  Stop making business your WHOLE life

It’s so easy for us to get so caught up in getting everything done, but remember success is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be some things you will have to give when running a business but be clear on your priorities and know when to unplug. Your business is not your whole life, but just one part of it. Do not eliminate what you’re passionate about while pursuing your business as this will cause you to resent your dreams. Stop choosing but manage your time effectively so that you can be able to enjoy every aspect of your life


Change is good and it’s a necessary part of your entrepreneurial life. There will be ups and downs in your journey but you must keep your eyes on the prize as we go through this extraordinary path that we’ve chosen.

As we move closer and closer to our goals, we understand clearly that a certain mind shift must take place that precedes every action and foresees every result we hope to have in our business. That shift in thinking and understanding is the very foundation, on which our business is built,

It’s a scary thought for some people……I know all too well……. but it must be done and there are ways to do it. Trust me, I’ve got your back and in a few weeks I will be launching a free webinar designed to help you get out of your shell. Can’t wait to share the details with you in the coming weeks.

In the mean time, connect with me on my Facebook business page at Carli Communications if you are interested in keeping up with Carli. Remember to click the follow button and set your notifications so you don’t miss the big reveal!!